Anthony Gallo designed his first loudspeaker at the tender age of fourteen. His first commercially available product – the Nucleus reference speaker, went on sale in 1994. Today, Gallo Acoustics loudspeakers are sold in over 30 countries worldwide.
Anthony Gallo was born in 1963 and from an early age he had an interest in the sciences and would take apart just about anything he could lay his hands on. At age 13 he began to become hooked on loudspeaker design. His first audio experiments were with electrostatics. “I got shocked a zillion times,” Anthony recalls. “I was always awed by electrostatics’ transparency and purity. The dynamics, however, were always short of my expectations.”
Subsequent experiments with ribbon drivers proved difficult to drive and limited in dynamic range. However, Anthony’s search for the “Holy Grail of tweeters” took a dramatic turn when he discovered a magazine article about Piezo film in the early 1980s. “I threw the magazine aside for a few years,” he says, “but in the back of my mind I knew that I would work with this material some day.” After a few years of experimentation, the first version of Anthony’s CDT (cylindrical diaphragm transducer) was born in 1987. Further refining the CDT design over the better part of the next decade, Anthony came to the realisation that he was onto something special, and decided to pursue his dream of designing and manufacturing loudspeakers full-time. Anthony Gallo Acoustics was born.